SIGNED! Cutter’s Bill to Set Composting Standards, Reduce Waste Becomes Law

Legislation would prohibit false marketing, “greenwashing” of inorganic products

BOULDER, CO – Governor Polis today signed into law Senator Lisa Cutter’s, D-Jefferson County, bill to standardize compostable products in Colorado.

SB23-253 creates standards for products that are marketed or represented as being compostable. In order to market products as compostable, the new law requires third-party validation and labeling distinction, like green or beige labels or symbols. Unless the product is compostable-certified, the bill makes using a composting label or implying such a deceptive trade practice violation. 

"Many Coloradans are working to improve our environment by composting,”
said Cutter. “Unfortunately, some companies are 'greenwashing’ their products, which leads to contamination at compost sites, depriving compost businesses of the opportunity to process and sell this valuable organic material. This new law will set standards that make it easier for consumers to understand what is truly compostable, help compost businesses, divert materials from landfills and improve soil health."

SB23-253 is in response to the continued contamination of Colorado’s composting efforts. This is in part due to companies falsely-advertising items like disposable plates and silverware as compostable when those claims don’t hold up in industrial facilities, also known as “greenwashing.” The legislation creates clear standards for products and clarification for customers.

According to Colorado’s largest commercial composting company, 10 percent of organic material coming to their facilities is contaminated due to non-compostable items like dog toys, plastic food containers and bottles.


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